Phonics and Reading
At Kegworth Primary School we have adopted a rigorous, systematic, synthetic phonics programme. We have built a programme around the 'Letters and Sounds' handbook complete with planning, resources and assessment tools. Our phonics screening results this year are: 95% pass.
Below there are some handy tips for parents to know to support with phonics and reading at home!
When reading, we use the phrase 'look at the letters, make the sounds, blend the sounds together'. This prompts children to look for learned sounds in the word and then blend them to say the word out loud.
When writing, we use the phrase 'Say the word, robot the word, write the word'. Pupils are encouraged to say the word they wish to write out loud and use robot arms to robot all the sounds in the word before writing. This ensures that they have included all of the sounds in the word.
Below are sound mats which we use in school. This includes all of the sounds taught as well as common exception words.
Here's a handy video explaining how to say the sounds correctly.
We recommend reading with your child at home at least three times a week. This should be for ten minutes, with the pupil reading and the adult supporting when needed. Remember to ask lots of questions about the book to check for comprehension. Regular reading at home really does have a huge impact on progress and attainment in school. Reading is fundamental to every aspect of the national curriculum and is so important. If you would like any support with reading at home and ways to support your child, please speak to your class teacher.
Below are the descriptors for the colour bands we use at school. Please use these to support with questions and strategies for reading at home.