Useful Information
Free School Meals
Operation Encompass - We work alongside Operation Encompass whose aim is to ensure that schools have timely information about all Police attended incidents of Domestic Abuse, no matter where in the world the child lives.
School Terms and Holidays
Academic Year 2024 – 2025
INSET DAY (school closed to children) – Thursday 22nd August
INSET DAY (school closed to children) – Friday 23rd August
August Bank Holiday – Monday 26th August 2024
INSET DAY (school closed to children) –Tuesday 27th August 2024
Children return to school on Wednesday 28th August 2024
HALF TERM – Monday 21st October to Friday 25th October 2024
LAST DAY OF AUTUMN TERM – Friday 20th December 2024
Children return to school on Monday 6th January 2025
HALF TERM – Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February 2025
School Opens on Monday 24th February 2025
LAST DAY OF SPRING TERM – Friday 11th April 2025
Children return to school on Monday 28th April 2025
May Day Bank Holiday – Monday 5th May 2025
HALF TERM – Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May 2025
LAST DAY OF SUMMER TERM – Wednesday 9th July 2025
INSET DAY (school closed to children) – Thursday 10th July
INSET DAY (school closed to children) – Friday 11th July
Academic Year 2025 – 2026
INSET DAY (school closed to children) – Thursday 21st August 2025
INSET DAY (school closed to children) – Friday 22nd August 2025
August Bank Holiday – Monday 25th August 2025
INSET DAY (school closed to children) – Tuesday 26th August 2025
Children return to school on Wednesday 27th August 2025
HALF TERM – Monday 20th October to Friday 24th October 2025
INSET DAY (school closed to children) – Monday 27th October 2025
Children return to school on Tuesday 28th October 2025
LAST DAY OF AUTUMN TERM – Friday 19th December 2025
INSET DAY (school closed to children) – Monday 5th January 2026
Children return to school on Tuesday 6th January 2026
HALF TERM – Monday 16th February to Friday 20th February 2026
School Opens on Monday 23rd February 2026
LAST DAY OF SPRING TERM – Friday 27th March 2026
Children return to school on Monday 13th April 2026
May Day Bank Holiday – Monday 4th May 2026
HALF TERM – Monday 25th May to Friday 29th May 2026
LAST DAY OF SUMMER TERM – Friday 10th July 2026
School Assembly
Assemblies are held throughout the week and commence at 10.30am. Our Friday assembly is known as the 'Celebration Assembly' and this is when children are awarded for their hard work and excellent behaviour. Occasionally parents will be invited in to school to be a part of the 'Celebration Assembly'.
School Uniform and Equipment
Our vision encourages children to work hard and have high aspirations. Wearing school uniform encourages children to feel that they belong. Smart children take a pride in their learning and their school. At Kegworth, all children from Reception to Year 6 wear the same uniform. Items with Kegworth Primary School logos are available from Castle Printwear or Rosebuddies - items without logos are just as acceptable.
Bookbags and ties are available from the school office.
Book bag £6.50 each
PE bag £5.50 each
Tie £4.00 each
Uniform sweatshirts, cardigans and fleeces can be purchased direct from
Castle Printwear
Email: or tel: 01646 450880
alternatively you can order from Rosebuddies
To order please either visit the stall at Loughborough Market or visit the website below
Alternatively, you can call 07821 077606
We also use Loopwear, please visit the link below
If you experience difficulty in affording items of uniform, please let us know as we may be able to help you. We consider it very important for the well-being, health and safety of our pupils that the correct uniform is worn and non-uniform items are not brought into school. We would be very grateful for your support in ensuring that your child has the correct uniform and equipment. For health and safety reasons any child with long hair should wear it tied back during PE and sports activities.
Our Uniform
- Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers
- White shirt
- Red & black striped school tie
- Red school jumper or cardigan (fleeces and hoodies are available to buy but are for outdoor wear and PE only)
- White/grey/black socks or tights
- Black low-heeled shoes with closed-in toes; high heels, open-toed sandals and trainers (except for games) are not considered suitable for school.
- In summer, red and white checked dresses and grey shorts may be worn.
- Hair must be of a natural colour.
PE kit (Indoors)
- Plain white, round neck T shirt
- Plain black shorts
- Plimsolls
Games Kit (Outdoors)
As for P.E. plus:
- Trainers
- Tracksuit (for cold weather only)
- Sweatshirt/hoodie (for cold weather only)
- P.E. and games kit should be labelled and kept in a named P.E. bag.
Dinner prices & booking information
School dinners are £2.70 per day for children in KS2 and are free for the children in KS1.
Please pre-book all school dinners on-line by visiting the School Money website. Each parent is provided with a unique password which will enable you to access your child's dinner money account. This will enable you to book and pay for school dinners. School dinners can be booked up until 12am midnight for the following day's dinner.
Please note that even if your child is in KS1 and receives universal free school meals or is registered for Free School Meals, you must still access the School Money website and choose and book your child's dinner.
If you think you may be entitled to free school meals please speak to Mrs Dent or Miss Ince in the office.
Holiday Absence
Holiday leave is not normally authorised. However, the school recognises that there are exceptional circumstances when it may be appropriate to grant holiday leave. These may include:
- forces personnel on leave from a foreign posting or members of the police force or fire and rescue service who are given limited leave;
- significant family events;
- cultural and religious requirements;
- occasions when the pupil is to be educated off site.
Where a family requires a leave of absence for a holiday during term time, a written request should be submitted to the headteacher. If leave is granted it will be for a maximum of five days in one academic year. Any additional leave will be considered unauthorised. Persistent absenteeism will be referred to the local authority for prosecution.
Authorising requests for leave of absence
Legally, the Headteacher acting on behalf of the Governors has the discretionary power to authorise absence from school including that for exceptional or compassionate reasons. Any decisions to grant leave of absence during term-time will be based on criteria including:
- any leave of absence has already been approved in the academic year;
- the child’s previous attendance history;
- the age of the child/children;
- the child’s stage of education;
- the time of the academic year (i.e. prior to end of Key Stage SATs)
Please find further documents and information about our school and procedures in the links below.