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Welcome to Kegworth Primary School

Together we will be our best

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Pupil Voice

Peer Mentors


Each playtime and lunchtime we have a group of Peer Mentors who have been trained to provide support on the playground to children that may need this. The Peer Mentors are in charge of supporting children with their play, activity ideas, supporting friendships and making our playgrounds a positive place to enjoy for everyone. We also have a buddy bench that children can sit on if they are feeling that they need a buddy and our Peer Mentors will support these children with their play. 

Why do we have a School Council?

The School's Council is an ideal opportunity for pupils to get more involved in the way the school is run. The School Council benefits the whole school, pupils and teachers, because it provides opportunities for pupils to communicate their feelings as well as discuss decisions that are made. Councillors develop skills such as confidence, communication and negotiation. It is the responsibility of each Councillor to ensure that they express both their own views and the views of all the other pupils they represent.


The aim of Kegworth School Council is to be an effective democratic school council by:

  • Team work - participate, co-operate and problem solve as a team

  • Pupil Voice - listen to, represent and respect all pupils’ opinions – and in turn, be heard

  • Think Positive - contribute to positive and sensible decisions, improvements and changes for the good of the school community

  • Wise up – councillors learn new skills, gaining a valuable insight into being an active citizen


Who can be a member of the School Council?

We have an active School Council with two children representing their fellow pupils from Reception and Year 6. Each councillor is elected by their classmates at the beginning of the school year after a short presentation explaining why they should be elected. (The members then elect a Chair, an Assistant Chair and a Secretary.)

This academic year we have:



Class 1/2 HEliza and Ethan
Class1/2 G

Kiyan and Edie

Class 1/2 WSophia and Charlotte
Class 3/4 ATeddie and Oli B
Class 3/4 T

Avannah and Alfie

Class 3/4 J

Jacob B and Lorenzo

Year 5

Jaanvi and Asha

Year 6

George and Lacey


What do we do?

Members of the school council have very specific roles to embody our school values such as: Chair, mental health ambassador and minute takers. Members of the Council take part in discussions and votes. They feedback any relevant information to their class. At times they are requested to ask their class for ideas or take class votes relating to discussions by the Council. Members meet regularly with a designated teacher. The School Council aims to make the school a better place for each and every member of the school community. They strive to raise money, and awareness, of local and national charities as well as raising funds for the school. Each member of the School Council wants School to be a fun place to learn but also a place to develop new skills.


The School Council works closely with the Eco Warriors, Digital Leaders and the School Librarians.



The Eco Warriors:

Have achieved the silver award and are now working towards the green flag award with Miss Green.  This academic year we have: 

Class 1/2 W


Class 1/2 HMisha
Class 1/2 GFred
Class 3/4 TIyeda
Class 3/4 A


Class 3/4 JJasper
Year 5Willow & Anthony
Year 6Meerkats - Edith & Richard


School Librarians: 

The librarians are on duty to help all the children every break and lunchtime. We have a variety of responsibilities to ensure that all children love and have the opportunity to read.



Sports Leaders:

We support all the children to be physically active during play and lunchtime. We received lessons to train to become a positive sports leader with Mr Woods. We engage the children in positive play, trying to increase their heart rate to become  active.  We love being sports leaders. 




What we've all been doing:

Elections.  Children were asked to make presentations to their classes or posters. 

Harvest and donation to the Food Bank 

Children in Need fundraising ideas and communicating with our classes

Red Nose Day

Collection of travelling to school for Walk to School month. 

Anti - bullying week - odd sock day - anti -bullying leaflets for the whole school

Learning and safeguarding interviews

Monitoring the school council suggestion boxes - instigating changes to lunchtimes, lunches and playground equipment

Developing our school values with Mrs Robinson







